Instagram Posts for Chapter Accounts

Each week, your chapter account should post 2-3 times to maintain engagement with student contacts and highlight the values of your community. You will have at least one regular post and 1-2 variable posts.

<aside> 💡 Try to make a monthly calendar with your regular weekly post and 1-2 variable posts each week.

  1. A plan will help you keep up with consistent posting.
  2. You can create some variety in your content by spreading out different options of variable content throughout a month.
  3. You will be able to anticipate important announcements like conferences when you look ahead.


Regular Weekly Posts

This post is the same message with a different image each week.

<aside> 👉 Pro-tip: ____ i.e. "Engage with the comments, make sure to include time/date/location where needed"


<aside> 👉 Use titles that are catchy and easy to promote


<aside> 💡 Pro-tip: share your post to your story for maximum engagement.


Variable Posts

<aside> 👉 Tag the location/ venue if possible, and the people who were there. Help create lasting memories!


<aside> 👉 Pro-tip: Can also be pieces of scripture, song or dance, art, however your chapter likes to worship!


<aside> 👉 Pro-tip: Highlight your students leaders, tag them and help them connect with people in the comments.


<aside> 💡 For more content ideas follow @ivuofu, @iv.chapman, or @ivlouisiana


Story Posts

These posts last 24 hours, and can be used to share candid ministry moments, instaproxes or testimony